
Union Telephone Downloadable Forms

On this page you will find forms and other documents for Union Telephone related services.


Terms & Conditions and Service Agreeement

This constitutes the agreement by which Union Telephone Company will provide Phone, Internet, and/or Digital TV Services to the person(s) signing this Agreement, and, if applicable, his/her/their spouse(s) (individually and collectively the “Customer ”). Each Customer shall individually have all the rights and obligations of a Customer under this Agreement.

Application For Services

Print, fill out, and mail/drop off this form to apply for Internet services.
All information provided by applicant is secure and will not be sold to any third parties.

Permission to Bury

Union’s Permission to Bury Form
Downloading and saving a copy of this document will allow you to electronically fill out and sign the form. Completed forms can be emailed to

Service Change

Union's Service Change Form

Print, fill out, and mail/drop off this form if you need to change your service.
All information provided by applicant is secure and will not be sold to any third parties.


The protection of your account information has always been very important to us, so has that opportunity to provide you with excellent customer service.

In order to continue providing you with this level of service, we ask that you read the following information carefully, as the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is imposing new rules on all telecommunications providers.

These rules will require that we obtain verification from you before we can provide you any information on your billing account.

Automatic Payment (ACH)

What is it?
Funds are transferred electronically from one bank account to another. To pay your telephone/Internet bill, funds will be debited from your checking or savings account and credited to a Union Telephone Company account on the 10th of each month.

Why should I use it?
This is the most convenient way possible to pay your telephone/Internet bill each month. You never have to remember to pay the bill, mail the bill or drop it off. This will be done automatically on the 10th of each month.

Will I get a monthly statement?
Yes, you will continue to receive a telephone/Internet statement each month as you currently do. This is how you will know how much to deduct from your checking or savings account each month.

How do I sign up?
Print out the application form by clicking the blue pdf icon next at the top. Fill out the form and simply return the lower portion of the form along with a voided check for checking or a deposit slip for savings account to Union Telephone Company.

How much is it?
It’s a FREE service.

Open Internet Disclosure

Network Management Practices, Performance Characteristics, and Commercial Terms and Conditions for Broadband Internet Access Services.